Morocco - Concert - Shigouri of Meknes


This video presents excerpts of a performance held by a group of musicians (diwan) from Meknes led by Choukri El-Mchachti. The musicians belong to three distinct musical traditions of Meknes: m’elmat, jilala, and shigouri. The musical group shigouri, presented in this video, performs a peculiar form of Hebrew-Moroccan music, that can be linked to the great Andalusian tradition of the past. The musical instruments are the lute ‘ud and the violin, played in a peculiar way, as it were a rebab, with the instrument resting on the leg of the musician. Sometimes, this musical genre is used in Meknes to evoke the spirits during the rituals. In this video excerpt, Mohammed Benali (‘ud) and Abdelhakim Makhlouf (violin) perform a poem of their repertoire.
This event, the first of a new cycle titled ‘Music and Rite’ was organized by the Intercultural Institute for Comparative Music Studies of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, after a research, and with the scientific advice of Domenico Staiti and Silvia Bruni, in cooperation with the Departments of Philosophy and Heritage, and of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Choukri Diwan: Choukri El-Mchachti (director), Mohammed Benali, Ilham Benchaib, Ahmed Er-Rouhy, Zhour Haddani, Bouchra Hannoub, Zhour Khellafi, Lakhatib Lahcen, Abdelhakim Makhlouf, Rkia Rimane

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, 20 October 2016
More info on this event:
Video: Giuseppe Drago
Cities Meknes
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