
VOLUBILIS - Roman city Ruins in Morocco

#Volubilis - #Roman old city #Ruins in Morocco - موقع وليلي الأثري
Full article: https://www.hypermoroccotours.com/2019/01/volubilis-roman-city-ruins.html - Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MagicalMorocco/

Volubilis (in Berber : Walili, in Arabic: وليلي‎) is an old Roman city ruins in Morocco situated near a small town called "Idris Zarhoun" near Meknes,

In its maximum extension, marked by a wall built in 168-169 AD, Volubilis occupied a total area of 42 hectares. The site is crossed from the east by the Fertassa river and bordered from the south and from the west by the Khoumane river.
The town wall that surrounded the city had numerous semicircular towers, 7 gates and 2 small doors, the main gate with three openings to the north-west and the gate with two openings facing the west; but the other dors had only one opening. All gates were framed by semicircular towers.
The excavations that began in 1915 in the Volubilis site have so far allowed the uncovering of the monumental area, south area, east neighborhoods, and Temple B, which is the only monument discovered east of the Fertassa river. The western district of Volubilis whose extension is close to 16 hectares has been little explored.
Before reaching the development in the second century, Volubilis, during the mauretanian periodn attested from the late 2nd century and especially from the 1st century BC, occupied a smaller area. The monuments that are dated in this period are mainly religious or of burial purposes.
During the Roman period as some earlier buildings were preserved (temples B, G, and H), other new monuments were built over the mauritanian city (Forum, Capitol, Basilica, Baths of Gallienus). New neighborhoods emerged, including the most well-known residential area called "northeast area".
Between the end of the third century, date of the Romanevacuation of the city, and the beginning of the eighth century, a new fortified urban development in the Western part of Volubilis city arose while the eastern parts of the Roman city were abondoned. And it is this cluster of houses which was Islamized during the 8th century and which hosted Idris 1n founder of the Idrissid dynasty.

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Cities Volubilis
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