Into Morocco, Fez, The Moorish Empire, Burton Holmes (Africa, Tangier, Morocco)


Burton Holmes


Into Morocco


The Moorish Empire

Old Antique Travelogue With Over 350 Photographs !

partial list of illustrations...

Abd-el-Aziz, Absalam Raid of Boghari hospitality, Abuktayer Morocco caravan servant, Abyla rock of Gibraltar Spanish penal colony, Achmedo Morocco caravan servant, Aid-el-Kebir feast of Tangier celebration, Alcazar-el-Kebir, History, Serenade by local musicians, Visit of U S Consular agent to caravan, Almsgiving Tangier, Arabs, Horsemanship Beni Hasan, Morocco, Army, Procession of soldiers, Rabat Prince Mulais arrival, Arsenal Fez, Astronomy Moorish interest in, Atlantic Ocean approach from Moorish desert, Barclay U S Consul at Tangier visit to, Batteries antiquated Tangier, Battle Moorish tribesmen in sham, Beef rise in Tangier, Beggars, Crazy neighbor in Fez, Tangier , Beni Hasan tribe, Adventure with tribesmen Yale yell, Expeditions in country of, Horsemanship, Hostilities with Zimour tribes, Rabat tower, Soko in the wilderness dispute, Beni Zimour hostilities with Beni Hasan, Benlezrah U S consular agent at Fez, Bensimon Jewish merchant at Fez visit to, Blind Beggar in Tangier, Bogari visit to, Hospitality of Raid Absalam, Matinee performance reputation as conjurers, Bokhurmur Morocco caravan servant, Bombay dower of Catarina of, Braganza to Charles II of England, Bridges Morocco roads refusing to cross, Bu Ragreg River ferry, Calpe fortress of Gibraltar, Caravan Journey, BeniHasan country expeditions in, BeniHasan tribesmen adventure with, Camp first, Curiosity of Villagers, Cheznous, Dinner, Camp between Fez and Mequinez, Chinese Moor meeting with, Day's journey, Departure from Tangier, Faithful Five, Fez , Final breaking up, German traveler caravan ignored by, Guide, Halted by Raid of Twazit, Intertribal hostilities, Mehedia , Mequinez , Military Escort, Missing men and mules, Mules , Prayers for success of journey etc, Progress toward the sea, Rabat , Rest hours, Route from Fez, Sultan's harem meeting with, Catarina of Braganza dower to Charles II of England, Cattle EmbarkationTangier, Cemeteries, Fez Jewish quarter, Rabat camping ground, Ceuta Spanish penal colony, Chicago description of at Moorish dinner party, Children Moorish pigtail of, Chinese Moor traveler in Moroccan desert, Christians, Fez medical mission, Moorish hatred of, Clothing purchase of, Coin old refused by Moor accident, Commerce, Fez, Wilderness fair, Conjuring, Bogari performances, Tangier soko, Consulates visit to, British consulate at Fez, United States consulates, AlcazarelKebir, Fez, Tangier, Continental Hotel Tangier, Crazy Saint Moroccan mendicant, Cruelty and Childishness of the people, Dress, Haik women's veil, Jewish people in Fez, Tangier, Embarkation at Rabat, Empire rise and permanence of, English Wife of Shareef of Wazzan... and many more...
Cities Tangier
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