Like the Kasbah des Oudaias lying nearly hidden along its natural harbor walls, Rabat is the gem of Morocco. Molded and built on for hundreds of years, this city is a testament to the melting pot that is Moroccan culture. From the Marina to Hasan Tower, from Embassy Row to the narrow passageways of the Medina, Rabat opens itself to the world to share its natural beauty and the vibrant lives of its people. This is the story of Rabat.
THIS IS LIFE. Life in the Ivy League. Life at Cornell. Life of a Division 1 Student-Athlete. From the beaches of Puerto Rico, to the snowy winters in New York, from the California Surf to the streets of Morocco. My goal is to capture the experience, the good and the bad, of being a Cornell Student, a Swimmer, and a Videographer. THIS IS LIFE and You are getting to live it with us.
More of Life Below
Instagram: @slatersgood
Twitter: @slatergoodman
THIS IS LIFE. Life in the Ivy League. Life at Cornell. Life of a Division 1 Student-Athlete. From the beaches of Puerto Rico, to the snowy winters in New York, from the California Surf to the streets of Morocco. My goal is to capture the experience, the good and the bad, of being a Cornell Student, a Swimmer, and a Videographer. THIS IS LIFE and You are getting to live it with us.
More of Life Below
Instagram: @slatersgood
Twitter: @slatergoodman

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