
Whole Wheat Chocolate Cake / كيكة الشوكولاتة بدقيق القمح الكامل ﻣﻮﻧﻲ - CookingWithAlia - Episode 772

It is very uncommon for people to use whole wheat flour in cakes. And being the most complentary flour, why not bring both sweetness and fibers to your table's kids? In collaboration with @Moony, we made this great cake, that actually turns out to be very moist and fluffy, with the melting chopped chocolate inside!
RECIPE: https://www.cookingwithalia.com/whole-wheat-chocolate-cake/

200 grams (7.0 oz) Farine Complète Moony
85 grams (2.9 oz) unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 tablespoons (0.4 oz) baking powder
3 medium eggs
250 grams (8.8 oz) granulated sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
140 milliliters (4.7) vegetable oil
100 grams (4.4 oz) plain yogurt
250 milliliters (8.4 oz) milk
80 grams (2.8 oz) chopped dark chocolate (55%)

1- In a large bowl, place the whole wheat flour, sift together the cocoa powder and the baking powder. Mix all the ingredients together with a whisk until well combined. Set aside.
2- In another large bowl add the eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, vegetable oil, plain yogurt, and mix all together using an electric egg beater for 5 minutes until thick and light yellow.
3- Add the dry ingredients little by little to the eggs mixture, and continue mixing with a spatula for 2 minutes until the batter becomes a bit firm and homogeneous.
4- Add the milk to the batter and mix once again until soft and smooth.
5- Add the chopped dark chocolate to the cake batter and gently mix with a spatula until well combined.
6- Pour the whole wheat chocolate batter in a rectangular cake mold ( 27 cm x 9 cm) covered with parchment paper until it fills up 3/4.
7- In a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) bake the whole wheat cake for 40 minutes. Touch gently the top center of the cake, if it's spongey, it's ready.
8- Remove the whole wheat chocolate cake from the oven and allow to cool before serving.
Alia Channel
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