Au sortir de la gare du centre-ville de Rabat, elle apparaît là, en pente douce, bordée de palmiers majestueux, entourée d'une architecture datant du protectorat. L'avenue Mohammed V, située au centre de la ville, est constamment animée, de jour comme de nuit.
As you emerge from the Rabat downtown train station, the Mohammed V avenue appears as a gentle slope surrounded by majestic palm treas and an architecture the dates from the Protectorate. Due to its central location this popular avenue is animated at all hours.
Le centre-ville de Rabat & l'avenue Mohammed V, une co-production Editions Amabilis Maroc Sarl et Amabilis Inc. (Canada)
Réalisation: Jean-François Hétu, Florence Parent
Direction générale: Mehdi Benembarek
Musique: Ben Beiny (Premium Beat)
Remerciements: Centre Cinématographique Marocain.
As you emerge from the Rabat downtown train station, the Mohammed V avenue appears as a gentle slope surrounded by majestic palm treas and an architecture the dates from the Protectorate. Due to its central location this popular avenue is animated at all hours.
Le centre-ville de Rabat & l'avenue Mohammed V, une co-production Editions Amabilis Maroc Sarl et Amabilis Inc. (Canada)
Réalisation: Jean-François Hétu, Florence Parent
Direction générale: Mehdi Benembarek
Musique: Ben Beiny (Premium Beat)
Remerciements: Centre Cinématographique Marocain.
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