
OLDEST SNACK! Rotisserie Al Marché Agadir MOROCCO, Talborjt Neighborhood, Catholic Church in Morocco

Agadir, Morocco, near Avenue president Kennedy we find the Talborjt neighborhood in Agadir, the old district which rests on a plateau within Agadir. A comment recommended we visit the oldest snack in Agadir, Rottiserie Al Marché to see what they have to offer.

We found the best rotisserie chicken I have ever had which was enjoyed by an American eating Moroccan food. The Europeans enjoyed eating hearts, livers, and an omelette. I will stick with my chicken.

We briefly explore Talborjt after and make our way to the Catholic Church in Agadir. We were not really impressed with the Catholic Church in Agadir, although we were very surprised to find it! Thanks for coming on our adventure!

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Agadir Cities
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